Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Peace is Priceless

I don’t only want to depict negativity on this blog so I would like to share that I had a wonderful morning.  Although I was tired, I only hit the snooze button once.  (I know I am trying.)  Once up, I got myself together and woke up the little one.  Thankfully he had a dry bed.  Not sure why, but for the last two nights, he has wet the bed and this is so out of his character.  So he got up with only a few tugs this morning.  At this time, the older boy’s alarm goes off.  I kept praying that I would not have to go in there and wake him up.  My prayers were answered…although he had the grill face he got out of the bed without my assistance.  Both boys got ready quickly and ate breakfast and I did not encounter any attitudes.  My only setback was the little one pretending to be the karate kid and jacking the older boy up at various times throughout the morning.  I did not have to iron clothes this morning since I ironed on Sunday.  I packed my breakfast and lunch and headed out the door on time.  My car started without any problems and I took both boys with me.  In the car we played the “looking for the stop signs” game.  I made up a song to accompany the game and even the older boy participated in the activity.  They both were excited.  When I got to the preschool, I let the older boy catch the bus to get to school and I took the little one in.  The little one stopped to say good morning to his old teacher and class but then he went into the new classroom with no resistance.  I received two kisses and a big hug.  On my drive to the train, I saw the older boy walking to his school.  Good job boys!!!  I found a good parking space right away, I did not wait long for the bus, I was able to walk to the back of the bus and got a seat on the train and I slept.  Mornings like these are just priceless.

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