Thursday, May 12, 2011

You are what you eat!

As lunch time approaches, I come to the conclusion that if this saying was true, I would be one huge ?????.  Well let’s play a guessing game.  I will describe the food and see if you can guess my food choice before we get to the end.  So let’s begin.

If I do not bring lunch from home, then I get them for lunch.  I like them with or without ketchup.  I can eat them seasoned with salt or dipped in a ketchup/mayonnaise concoction.  I like them wedged, shoe-stringed, crinkled or waffled.  I do not have a preference if they are home-made or store bought.  They can be prepared deep fried and since I am trying to eat healthier even baked.  I can eat this food in any season.  They are best when hot.  It comes in a group so I don’t mind sharing…sometimes.  Did you guess….yes FRENCH FRIES.  I love them.   I eat them for lunch everyday.  I told myself this morning that I would get a slice of pizza today but now that I described them….I am getting my daily serving of French fries.

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