Monday, May 16, 2011

I am back!!!

The blog system was down on Friday but here I am to post this wonderful Monday!! (Do you hear the sarcasm in my voice?)

As a mother, I have so many dreams and aspirations for my boys.  I know I am biased but I believe that they have the potential to achieve great things in life and become men of importance.  I take my job very seriously as the person to help them realize their dreams and help them achieve them.  However, I must admit that at times I live vicariously through them in some aspects of their lives and I feel disappointed when they “do their own thing.” I know I should not feel like that but at times I do.  Right now the baby wants to “make me happy” and I am just amazed in how fast he is learning.  However, my oldest is extremely smart and talented but he is sooooo lazy.  This kills me.  He has made the Dean’s List twice this year and I am proud of his academic achievements but I know that if he tried harder and was not so lazy with his work, he could be one of the two top students in his grade.  Yes this is spoken from a former two time salutatorian.  But it is not only with his academics.  Last year, he and few classmates were chosen to write and publish a book with Scholastic.  It was not until I went to the book signing that I saw the finished product and the book was mostly illustrated by my son.  I did not even know that he possessed the ability to draw and he is an excellent artist.  In his mind it was nothing but to me it was everything and I felt as if I failed partially since I did not even know about this hidden talent.  As his mother I should have known.  Not only is he a talented artist but he is a natural athlete.  So far he has participated in bowling, baseball and basketball leagues and without any extra practice or help, he excelled in these sports activities.  What else could I expect from a boy that taught himself how to ride a two-wheeler bike at the age of 4 years old?  Well this school year he tried out for both track and football.  He made both teams but chose the later.  I was disappointed because I always wanted to run track and did not have the opportunity to.  Guess this is where I wanted to live my dream through him but I was not given the opportunity.  My friends that I have spoken to about this, feel that he made the better choice by joining the football team but I just don’t see him as a football player.  The baby is a football player all across the board but not my oldest.  This was my first test of showing my son support in a choice he made rather than a choice I made for him.  I know I need more help in this area but for now I will practice my old cheers from when I was a cheerleader and show my support in the upcoming football season.

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