Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Move Chick -Get out the way!

I have complete knowledge about the history in regards to being forced to the sit in the back of the bus.  I also understand that at one point in time, the rowdy, disrespectful teenagers would cause havoc in the rear of the bus.  However, we have come a long way baby and times have changed.  I get so upset when people push and shove to get on the bus and then stop in the front.  If you know that you are not going to move to the back of the bus….wait in the back of the line.  Then bus drivers will not stop and pick up more passengers if the front of the bus is full.  I get so upset when a bus rolls pass me and the back of the bus is empty.  Lastly, I hate when I get on the bus and attempt to get to the back and the passengers will not move out of my way and get an attitude when they get pushed to the side.  Yes I do push!!!  Come on people, I want to get to my destination just like you so either move to the back or step to the side.  Just my rant of the day.

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