Thursday, May 5, 2011


exhaustion /ex·haus·tion/ (eg-zaws´chun)
1. a state of extreme mental or physical fatigue.
2. the state of being drained, emptied, or consumed.
Sorry for not posting yesterday but this sums it all up.  It was one of those days.  I moved quickly through yesterday’s evening duties of picking up the boys from the church, going to Walgreens, cooking dinner, feeding the boys, helping little one with his homework, listening to the day’s activities, bathing the little one, reading a bedtime story, washing the dishes, getting the clothes ready for the next day and then taking my shower and was in my bed at a decent time.  I have to stop planning on going to bed early because that plan never comes to fruition.  I was awakened an hour later to my baby coughing repeatedly that ended with vomiting in the bed.  With the assistance of the hubby, we were changing and washing him and the sheets of the bed.  I have such a weak stomach and I started to feel sick but it was all worth it when a tired baby looks at you and lays in his newly changed bed and says, “Mommy, this is perfect…thank you.”

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