Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Time not on my Side

When you tend to be late all the time, people usually remark with the old saying that you are going to be late to your own funeral.  Well my Dad was notorious for being late all the time and low and behold; he was indeed late for his own funeral.  All everyone could do at the time was laugh at this fact.  Well this trait is something that I inherited.  I am late for everything.  Work, various appointments, church, meetings….you name it.  I don’t do this intentionally but it is very hard for me to be somewhere at a designated time.  My husband HATES this about me.   All I can say about this is that I am a work in progress, but if history repeats itself, I will be like my Daddy and late for my own funeral.

1 comment:

  1. Yup u r so right,, i cant stand it when u make me late..Thank God U have your own car, so I dont't feel so bad when i leave you.. Love Ya!!
