Monday, May 2, 2011

Birthday Time

Happy Monday!!!  This past Saturday, my oldest son turned 12 years old.  I can not believe that I am the mother of a 12 year old when I barely look a day over 21 years old myself.  (LOL) He loves celebrating his birthday and I try to create enjoyable moments for him since my parents ALWAYS celebrated my birthday.  I guess it helped that my birthday is in late June and it was always easy to do.  We did not have themes or characters at my party, just family + friends = tons of fun and memories.  My Dad would spark the grill, my Mom would cook the other foods and bake a cake and the party was on.  The day was for me and my friends and by the evening, it always turned into “the grown-up” party.  We had a good time and I don’t think it cost them too much $$.  (I have to ask my mom).  So with my kids, I am trying to create these same memories and not go broke doing so.  This year, we took him to the NY International Car Show in Manhattan.  We brought along one of his friends from church and we met my husband’s cousin and his two godsons there.  It was a nice day and the show itself was very interesting since this was my first time attending.  Afterwards, we ate dinner at the China Buffet.  It was kind of low key compared to parties he had in the past but I am hoping that he had a good time.  I remember 12 years ago not knowing how I was going to be able to care for and raise this boy child as a single parent.  I am so grateful that God kept us and continues to keep us, so for this fact alone; we will celebrate his day, some way, every year.

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