Friday, May 6, 2011

Shoes, gotta be the Shoes!!

Happy Friday!!

As the only female in my house, you would think that I would be the one who LOVES shoes.  That is not the case; in fact, I am the only one in the house that could care less about these objects.  All three of my boys, are shoe fanatics in different ways.  My husband loves to see females that are as he would say “on top of their shoe game.” He loves heels, the taller the better.  If he had it his way, I would be in heels at all times, even in bed. J Unfortunately, my visits to the podiatrist last year will not allow me to wear these shoes as often as he would like.  But he is the one responsible for the nice shoes that I currently own.  When I do go out to buy a new pair of shoes, which is rare because I HATE shopping – that is another post – he is the one that selects the shoe and he tells me how they look on me and then he makes the purchase.  So when I receive a compliment on my shoes, he is the one that deserves the praise, not I.  Now to Jevaughni, he is developing a new interest in shoes.  He just had a birthday and when he was asked what he wanted, he said sneakers.  He tells me about all these name brand sneakers that he wants and all I hear when he speaks is $$$$.  I asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday and he said shoe shopping.  What in the world?!?!?  Sorry son, I love you but Daddy is going to have to take you.  I do not have the patience for shopping.  Lastly, my baby….thanks to his younger cousin that grows out of shoes quickly and his mother’s love of shoes….Macaih has always had a closet full of shoes since he started walking.  Now I just noticed this last week…but he matches his shoes with his outfits.  In the morning, I tell him to go put on his shoes.  I would think  the 3 year old would just put on the same shoe that he wore the day before, but everyday, he selects a new shoe to match is outfit.  It is quite amazing.  He has even nicknamed the shoes…boots are monster shoes, shoes that have Velcro are noisy shoes, etc.  So I am in a house full of men that love shoes and if I had it my way and the weather would cooperate, I would wear flip flops all the time. 


  1. Sorry but I love shopping for shoes and everything else. You sound like my wife she hates to shop even for food. I believe every outfit should match the shoes. Shoes make the outfit. I pick out the shoes before I pick out the outfits. Hate to say it but I agree with the boys. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES, I LOVE THE SHOES!!!

  2. It was not until after I posted the blog that I remembered that my dad was the same way as my sons. He loved his Stacy Adams and he would spend so much time polishing his all of his shoes. That trait skipped me and they must have inherited from him.
