Monday, May 9, 2011

The 3 M's

I would love to say happy Monday but even though I had a wonderful Mother’s Day yesterday, the events of my Monday morning have ruined my mood.  My alarm went off at 6am and I pushed the snooze button THREE TIMES.  That is never a good sign.  I finally got out of the bed and dragged myself to the bathroom.  However, after brushing my teeth, I grabbed another toothbrush and began scrubbing the shower tiles.  I know…again this is not good since I was late getting out of the bed but I sprayed the shower last night and I wanted to scrub the cracks between the tiles.  So I leave the bathroom after cleaning the shower tiles (and myself) and go to see if the oldest boy is up and ready to get into the bathroom.  Of course…he is not and that irritates me.  I do not say a word, I just stare at him because if I do I am afraid I will snap.  I walk away and go into the little one’s room, turn on the news and iron the clothes I picked out the night before.  Meanwhile I am trying to wake the little one up.  15 minutes later my sweet wake up songs turns to threats.  He lifts his head to tell me that he does not like the news that is playing on his TV and lies back down on the pillow.  So now I have to pull him out of the bed and into the bathroom and now he gets the stare because it is really late now and no one is cooperating.  After my stares, both boys dress quickly and they know that they need to get out of the house on time without taking me there.  I thought we were good until the big one hands me a quiz to sign that he had in his book bag all weekend.  He scored an 80 so I was not upset about the grade but I like to review the content of quizzes and tests to see what he understands and most importantly what he does not so we can go over it.  So he hands me the quiz and I ask him why he did not answer the last question which was an essay and worth 20 of the points, he replies that he did not know it.  So now I am fuming because we had the weekend to review. I sign the quiz but tell him that by the time I reach home this evening, I want the paragraphs written so I can grade it myself.  Of course he was not happy but OH WELL.  So now I am out of the house and although the temperature is suppose to be 71 degrees today, I am freezing and wish that I had on a warmer outfit.  Moving on, I get in the car and start it and forget that I don’t have a drop of gas so now I have to stop.  Time is already not on my side.  So after I get literally get a drop of gas (these prices are ridiculous), I continue to the little one’s school and he begins to tell me that he does not want to go to his new class, he wants to stay with his old teacher Ms Peggy and the Blue Group. Why me this morning??  Once inside the school, he runs to his old classroom and refuses to go to the new class.  Ms. Peggy comes to the rescue by giving him a hug and then he goes to the new classroom but he is still very sad about this change.  Last week he was excited about being in the new class with “the big kids” but today his facial expression was so solemn.  I walk away worried about how he will be in school today.  As I drive away, I realize that even with everything that has occurred, I am still on time UNTIL I see my oldest son walking away from his school with his classmates heading to Burger King.  I am furious.  I am in the turning lane so I can’t easily get to him.  I am screaming out the window btu he does not hear me.  When the light turns green, I maneuver through the side blocks to get to BK.  Once I get there, he is walking out with the boys.  Now I snap.  He knows the rules but instead he is following his peers.  To add more fuel to the fire, the classmate that he travels to school with in the morning is not with him.  They left the house together so where is he?  He is at the same place my son should have been – in school already.  Needless to say, after embarrassing him in front of his classmates, I have to send an email to my boss telling him that I was going to be late for work this morning. So today I label myself…the Monday Morning Maniac.

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