Thursday, May 12, 2011

Teenage Years

Each one of my pregnancies, I wished for a boy.  People were surprised that even when I was pregnant my third time around and already had two boys, that I still wanted another boy.  I had two good reasons for this.  First, I did not and still do not know how to “do hair.”  So I figured having a boy would eliminate this headache.  To my surprise, both of my boys were born with a head full of hair.  I still had to find friends to braid their hair or they had to walk around with ponytails and being mistaken for a girl.  My second reason was that I did not want to have to deal with the attitudes of a teenage girl.  I remembered me at that age and I could not chance history repeating itself.  I just figured a teenage boy would be easier to deal with.  Again I was wrong.  I am living with a pre-teen boy now and I am not happy with it at all.  The attitude, the mood swings, the facial expressions…God give me strength.  I pray that my toddler mellows out by these years and that this pre-teen gets it together so that he can see and enjoy his teenage years.

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