Wednesday, April 27, 2011

To Sleep or not to sleep.....I don't have the option

I have mentioned this on FB but I will share my confession on my blog as well.  I confess.....I can not sit on a moving subway and not fall asleep.  My mother has yelled at me about this and I try to explain to her that this is just what NYC commuters do if they are lucky enough to get a seat.  I am the second stop on my train line so I have mastered the car that is going to be the emptiest and I know exactly where to stand so that when the train stops, the door is right in front of me.  I then dash on the train to catch the best seat and then "it is on."  I fall asleep and this 30 minute nap really does make a difference.  It is amazing that my body knows when to wake up so I do not miss my stop. Although I must admit that I have slept passed my stop twice.  Imagine how embarrassing it is to tell your boss that you are going to be a little late for work because you overslept...not at home but on the train.  On those rare occassions that I can not get a seat, I have mastered sleeping while standing up. I have even slept so hard that I rested my head on the shoulder of my seat companion.  Again....EMBARRASSING.  So now I try to always have a book on hand so I can read and not sleep.  However, I have to make a visit to the library so I do not have a book to read until Thursday.  Sweet Dreams!!!

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