Monday, April 25, 2011

Family Time

Happy Monday,

So I figured out that blogging over the weekend is going to be almost impossible.  My weekends are usually jam-packed with my sons' various activities but this weekend was a little different.  I was able to sleep a little later than usual (8am) and enjoy a manicure/pedicure and then attend a beautiful wedding with the husband on Saturday evening.  My mom and son came in from NC on Easter morning and we enjoyed a beautiful church service and then afterwards my mother-in-law hosted Easter Sunday dinner, a tradition that she has done for over 30 years.  My husband's family is HUGE but they are a close knit family and that is one of the many things I enjoy about his family.  It brings me back to when I was younger and my dad was still living.  He always celebrated holidays with his sisters and their kids but since his passing and 2 of his sisters moving out of state, the family get togethers ended.  SO although my husband does not always like hanging out, I LOVE IT.  My boys had a good time with their cousins and the food was "oh so good."  So although I am extremely tired today, it is all worth it.  I got to spend a little time with my mommy and hang out with my in-laws.  What more can a girl ask for?

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