Thursday, April 21, 2011

Church Business

As we are approaching Good Friday and Easter, I thought it would be appropriate for my blog today to speak a little about religion in my life.  I am a God-fearing woman just striving to live a positive life. Plain and simple.  Thanks to my Dad, I grew up in the church.  He made me attend Sunday School every Sunday and attend morning service.  I was in the youth choir (although I can not sing but it was to the glory of God) and I attended vacation Bible camp every summer and once I was old enough, was a counselor.  So you would think that I was a bibilcal scholar.  Not...far from it.  I am amazed of how much I still do not know and feel so warm inside when I learn something new.  **Side note: I love learning.  I grew up knowing all the things that I should not do and knew the right path I should take but like many, took a path of my own.  Thank God He never left me and I was able to get back on track before it was too late.  My dad was my foundation for my own spiritual path and I am thankful for it.  Although, I was not thankful for it when he was waking me up early Sunday mornings to attend Sunday School (I went to school 5 days a week, why did I have to go a 6th).  He loved the Lord and this was passed down and I hope that I am instilling this love of Christ in my boys. (I see the look on my oldest face when I wake him up on is so familiar and hopefully he will write about how grateful he is to me when he reaches my age).  So the lesson I take from Sam is that a foundation is great to have but you have to continue to grow for yourself in the Lord.  Praise be to God that it is never too late to learn about God's love for all of us and as we enjoy the weekend, let us remember the true meaning of Good Friday and Easter.

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