Friday, April 22, 2011

Double-Edged Sword

So I am sure that many of you are familiar with this term.  My double-edged sword are "uniforms." I absolutely LOVE uniforms.  I love a man in uniform (my hubby is a NYC Bus Operator), I loved jobs that I had to wear a uniform (my job in HS was at Burger King) and now both boys are in schools where uniforms are mandatory.  I am the only member of my household that do not wear uniforms on a daily basis during the week.  If I had it my way, I would welcome the idea to wear a uniform to my workplace.  No, I can not afford to go back to work at Burger King, even though I was the "queen of the drive-thru," but having a uniform would ease the pain I feel everyday when I can not decide what to wear.  That decision takes up too much time in my morning routine.  Uniforms are so neat and to me look so professional.  Another added bonus is the cost effectiveness.  I save tons of $$$ purchasing uniforms rather than regular clothes.  So you must be thinking, with all these benefits, where does the double-edge sword come in?  My boys hardly have opportunities to wear "regular" clothes so when the occasion arises.....their clothes do not fit and because this is not on a regualr basis, I do not realize this fact until the clothes are on and we are walking out the door.  Both boys experienced this on this week.  For Jevaughni -the almost 12 year old, he had the opportunity to "dress down" for church while we were visiting NC over the weekend.  When we were walking out the door, I noticed that his jeans were high waters.....OMG.  Hubby told him that he had on long shorts.  Lucky the boy was neat and the NC family was happy to see us for the visit or he would have been the subject of many jokes.  It helps that he is cute also.  :)  Today, my 3 year old, Macaih bka MooMoo was getting dressed to go downstairs with his grandparents since he is off from school today in observance of Good Friday.  It was not until he was putting on his shoes that I realized his khaki pants were too short.  Again....OMG.  So as much as I love uniforms, situations like this cause me to despise them a little when my boys go out the house looking crazy.  So, as much as I hoping that I did not need to buy any regular clothes for them until the warmer months...looks like I have to buy my boys some pants so that they do not look like they are treading water.

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