Friday, April 29, 2011


So after NY has faced one of the coldest and hardest snowfalls in history, we are finally receiving a break and getting a little sunshine.  Key word.....little.  By looking at me and looking at what some people are wearing, you would not be able to guess what the temperature was outside.  I am still wearing a light jacket.  I did get rid of the hat but these ladies are wearing sandals, sundresses and tank tops...the men are wearing shorts and T-shirts.  All I can do is shake my head.  I am not dressing like summer until the weather stays consistent.

My Apology

It has been brought to my attention (by my cousin and mom) that I have been posting blogs with minor spelling errors.  I am so sorry.  I dislike reading spelling mistakes and for those that follow me, I apologize for doing this to you.  With my posts, I just type and publish without taking the time out to read my own words.  So from this post forward, I will review before posting.  Thanks for following my world.  Today's post will follow shortly.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

To Sleep or not to sleep.....I don't have the option

I have mentioned this on FB but I will share my confession on my blog as well.  I confess.....I can not sit on a moving subway and not fall asleep.  My mother has yelled at me about this and I try to explain to her that this is just what NYC commuters do if they are lucky enough to get a seat.  I am the second stop on my train line so I have mastered the car that is going to be the emptiest and I know exactly where to stand so that when the train stops, the door is right in front of me.  I then dash on the train to catch the best seat and then "it is on."  I fall asleep and this 30 minute nap really does make a difference.  It is amazing that my body knows when to wake up so I do not miss my stop. Although I must admit that I have slept passed my stop twice.  Imagine how embarrassing it is to tell your boss that you are going to be a little late for work because you overslept...not at home but on the train.  On those rare occassions that I can not get a seat, I have mastered sleeping while standing up. I have even slept so hard that I rested my head on the shoulder of my seat companion.  Again....EMBARRASSING.  So now I try to always have a book on hand so I can read and not sleep.  However, I have to make a visit to the library so I do not have a book to read until Thursday.  Sweet Dreams!!!

From last night

So I will add two blogs today since I was having technical difiiculties yesterday evening.  So I wanted to share my favorite time of the day.  Well it is not an actual time but more of a time period. I am usually the last one to go to bed at night during the weekdays.  The boys bedtime is 9pm and for the most part, we usually make that goal.  Husband is usually in bed by 10pm and after that time the house is quiet and I can usually sit down for the first time since walking into the house.  But this relaxation time, is not the best part of the day.  My shower head is the absolute best and I enjoy taking hot showers to wash away the stress of the day.  But even this is not the best part of the day.  My favorite part of the day is walking from room to room before I head to my room and check on my sleeping boys....all three of them(yes husband is included).  I adjust the covers if need be, stare at their sleeping faces, give last minute kisses and give thanks to the Lord for my blessed boys and prayers for safety throughout the night.  Checking on my boys is the last thing I do before I go in my bed and I must do this every night before my head hits the pillow.  This is my favorite part of the day.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Family Time

Happy Monday,

So I figured out that blogging over the weekend is going to be almost impossible.  My weekends are usually jam-packed with my sons' various activities but this weekend was a little different.  I was able to sleep a little later than usual (8am) and enjoy a manicure/pedicure and then attend a beautiful wedding with the husband on Saturday evening.  My mom and son came in from NC on Easter morning and we enjoyed a beautiful church service and then afterwards my mother-in-law hosted Easter Sunday dinner, a tradition that she has done for over 30 years.  My husband's family is HUGE but they are a close knit family and that is one of the many things I enjoy about his family.  It brings me back to when I was younger and my dad was still living.  He always celebrated holidays with his sisters and their kids but since his passing and 2 of his sisters moving out of state, the family get togethers ended.  SO although my husband does not always like hanging out, I LOVE IT.  My boys had a good time with their cousins and the food was "oh so good."  So although I am extremely tired today, it is all worth it.  I got to spend a little time with my mommy and hang out with my in-laws.  What more can a girl ask for?

Friday, April 22, 2011

Double-Edged Sword

So I am sure that many of you are familiar with this term.  My double-edged sword are "uniforms." I absolutely LOVE uniforms.  I love a man in uniform (my hubby is a NYC Bus Operator), I loved jobs that I had to wear a uniform (my job in HS was at Burger King) and now both boys are in schools where uniforms are mandatory.  I am the only member of my household that do not wear uniforms on a daily basis during the week.  If I had it my way, I would welcome the idea to wear a uniform to my workplace.  No, I can not afford to go back to work at Burger King, even though I was the "queen of the drive-thru," but having a uniform would ease the pain I feel everyday when I can not decide what to wear.  That decision takes up too much time in my morning routine.  Uniforms are so neat and to me look so professional.  Another added bonus is the cost effectiveness.  I save tons of $$$ purchasing uniforms rather than regular clothes.  So you must be thinking, with all these benefits, where does the double-edge sword come in?  My boys hardly have opportunities to wear "regular" clothes so when the occasion arises.....their clothes do not fit and because this is not on a regualr basis, I do not realize this fact until the clothes are on and we are walking out the door.  Both boys experienced this on this week.  For Jevaughni -the almost 12 year old, he had the opportunity to "dress down" for church while we were visiting NC over the weekend.  When we were walking out the door, I noticed that his jeans were high waters.....OMG.  Hubby told him that he had on long shorts.  Lucky the boy was neat and the NC family was happy to see us for the visit or he would have been the subject of many jokes.  It helps that he is cute also.  :)  Today, my 3 year old, Macaih bka MooMoo was getting dressed to go downstairs with his grandparents since he is off from school today in observance of Good Friday.  It was not until he was putting on his shoes that I realized his khaki pants were too short.  Again....OMG.  So as much as I love uniforms, situations like this cause me to despise them a little when my boys go out the house looking crazy.  So, as much as I hoping that I did not need to buy any regular clothes for them until the warmer months...looks like I have to buy my boys some pants so that they do not look like they are treading water.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Church Business

As we are approaching Good Friday and Easter, I thought it would be appropriate for my blog today to speak a little about religion in my life.  I am a God-fearing woman just striving to live a positive life. Plain and simple.  Thanks to my Dad, I grew up in the church.  He made me attend Sunday School every Sunday and attend morning service.  I was in the youth choir (although I can not sing but it was to the glory of God) and I attended vacation Bible camp every summer and once I was old enough, was a counselor.  So you would think that I was a bibilcal scholar.  Not...far from it.  I am amazed of how much I still do not know and feel so warm inside when I learn something new.  **Side note: I love learning.  I grew up knowing all the things that I should not do and knew the right path I should take but like many, took a path of my own.  Thank God He never left me and I was able to get back on track before it was too late.  My dad was my foundation for my own spiritual path and I am thankful for it.  Although, I was not thankful for it when he was waking me up early Sunday mornings to attend Sunday School (I went to school 5 days a week, why did I have to go a 6th).  He loved the Lord and this was passed down and I hope that I am instilling this love of Christ in my boys. (I see the look on my oldest face when I wake him up on is so familiar and hopefully he will write about how grateful he is to me when he reaches my age).  So the lesson I take from Sam is that a foundation is great to have but you have to continue to grow for yourself in the Lord.  Praise be to God that it is never too late to learn about God's love for all of us and as we enjoy the weekend, let us remember the true meaning of Good Friday and Easter.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Chapter

Hello Blog World!!!

So...I am finally here.  I have comtemplated doing this for a while and found many excuses to why I could not do it.

Excuse #1 -  Who would read my blogs?
Excuse #2 - I am not a writer!!
Excuse #3 - When will I find the time to blog in my already pack filled day?

Finally my need outweighed my excuses.  I experience so much in a regular day that I need to express myself so I do not go CRAZY!!!  So thanks for letting me "be free."  I will just blog my everyday and hopefully you find some comfort in my thoughts in that you are not alone or just laugh at my antics.  See you soon!!