Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wedding Season

This year has been a year full of wedding ceremonies.  I am so happy for the couples, although the people getting married this year that my husband and I were honored to share in their days, have been together for years and decided in 2011 to make it official.  I love the whole concept of marriage especially when you are blessed to have that "special someone" designed by God just for you.  My husband pulled out our wedding ceremony videos last night and we watched together.  It was amazing to see how he looked at me as I was about to be his wife and although we have faced trials and tribulations, we stayed together and at times even with our hectic lives, I can still see the love and admiration in his eyes from time to time.  I wish all the newlyweds of 2011, a happy continuation in their life journey together as "Man and Wife."

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