Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Family is All We Got!!!

My husband uses this motto for our family business and functions that he hosts with his first cousins but recently I am finding the substance behind this phrase.  At the end of the day, when all the chips fall, family is the ones that are suppose to be there for you and understand you without you even saying a word.  My dad loved his family.  Many of the decisions he made, although I did not understand it at the time, I see now was for the benefit of his family.  He was proud of his family and if you knew my dad, he was proud to be a "Pegues."  I am proud that my oldest son, Jevaughni will get to carry this family name to the next generation.  I recently connected with other members of the Pegues family through Facebook.  Although I found them by the death, I am hoping that we can now stay connected.  My cousin reminded me today, that my dad is probably looking down from heaven and proud that we found members of the Pegues family.  Yes, because "Family is All We Got."

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