Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Job Security - A Thing of the Past

My heart hurts everytime I watch the news and hear of layoffs and companies going bankrupt.  As a person that was "let go" from a job, I know first hand how these former employees feel.  How in the world is $415 going to provide for you and if you have a family this is a joke.  And the government still expects to get their money off the top in taxes.  Where is the decency behind this?  I grew up believing that if I did well in school and went to college, I would be in a great position to find a job.  Good work ethic would allow me to keep a job.  All of those statements proved to be myths.  Even with a graduate degree, I still walk into my workplace everyday not knowing if today is my last day.  And so what message do I convey to my kids.  The future is not looking very bright for them.  Even the "safe jobs" are not the case anymore.  Teachers, firefighters, police......we always need these professionals right?  Not in today's society.  These jobs are being cut faster than any others.  I feel so helpless and lost.  I guess being in business for yourself is the best way to go but you will only be successful if there are people to buy your product and the only way this will happen is if people have jobs.  Our economy is in trouble and I pray that God continues to watch over us in our time of need.

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