Friday, June 3, 2011

When I Grow Up

My cousin starts my birthday countdown as soon as we hit June 1st. So as my birthday quickly approaches this year, my thoughts have been surrounded by all the dreams I had as a child and where I am with them. Sadly, I am so off mark. I am truly blessed that I have a healthy marriage and am a mother to wonderful children but that was not in my plans. I planned on going to college, being a career woman and live in a Brownstone in Brooklyn or Harlem (like ol' girl in Brown Sugar.) I would only drink bottled water and have a little puppy.  I never imagined being a wife and mom but I am so happy that I have my family.  However my career path is at a stand still and this frustrates me. I am in a good job field but I don't experience job satisfaction or feel that I am making a contribution to society. I don’t see myself in a career.  I have a job!!  I learned my job and think I do it well but I surely did not NEED two degrees to perform my job description. Now that my company is facing troubled times and my job is not stable, it is causing me to question again....what do I want to be when I grow up?

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