Thursday, June 9, 2011


Will Smith created a classic with his song Summertime. Even though he made this song years ago, it can still be played and receive the same reception. People dance and sing along to this untimely hit. How can this be? Simply put, this song accurately reflects the mood and spirit people are in when this season approaches. Especially me!! I LOVE this time of year. I love the hot weather, the food associated with summer, the activities, and the gatherings...The Fun. Fruits such as watermelon, cantaloupe and cherries are so sweet and juicy. So tasty. It seems as if this time comes and ends so quickly. Especially for us in the northern states. Summer just arrived for us but I am hoping that it stays until at least Labor Day. So in honor of this time of year...blast Mr. Smith and bob your head - cuz it's Summertime.

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