Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Relationship with God

Happy Moments - Praise God

Difficult Moments - Seek God

Quiet Moments - Worship God

Painful Moments - Trust God

Every Moment - THANK GOD!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wants vs Needs

I always get on my husband when he says he "Needs" something when in reality it is just a want.  I have even brought in my oldest son to the discussion to tell his dad what the difference is.  My husband will sometimes still argue me down that he REALLY needs it but I know better.  Today as I was walking to grab a slice of pizza for lunch, I became filled with emotion in how blessed I am.  I had $2.50 in my purse to make the purchase.  I was able to walk to my destination with all 5 of my senses in tact.  Today is my payday so I was joyous that I have a job and received money to pay my bills.  When I leave work I am jumping into my car and drive to my home.  Yes, I would love a "real" LV purse to carry on my arm, a new car - Range Rover Sport to be exact and a bigger home in Maryland but these are all WANTS.  My reality is that I may not have everything I want, but I have more than I need.  My life is good and I have to appreciate the things God has blessed me with because there are so many that would jump to be in my shoes.  Thank you Lord!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I have never had the desire to put a cigarette to my mouth.  So many people close to me choose to smoke and it baffles me.  Their brain cells have conditioned them to smoke after certain activities like eating or using the bathroom but all I see are the negative consequences resulting from smoking and it scares me.  Years ago, cigarettes were linked to cancer but now people are developing cancer without being smokers.  However, you can see other health consequences to this disgusting habit.  I hate to sit back and watch the cigarette makers make tons of money on the health and welfare of my loved ones.  I can not control the world of smokers but I am a supporter of the Bloomberg administration that have banned smoking in public places.  I HATE walking down the street and walk into a cloud of cigarette smoke.  UUGGHHHH!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Just came home from church and I had a great time.  I did not feel to go this morning but I am glad that the devil was defeated and I was in the house of the Lord.  The Holy Spirit was definitely in the house today.  The message came from Genesis 18 and it all had to do with this being our time.  I was so happy for everyone that received a direct word from God because they are really going to be blessed with the things they are praying for.  As God stated to to Sarah - is anything to hard for God?  It is so easy for us to forget this fact. God can do all but fail.  I am a witness to this.....He'll make it alright!!!  Well I am off for now and I hope that you are all blessed.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

I have to be me!!!

So I have abandoned my blog and I regret it.  I was putting too much energy into trying to make it perfect and it became a burden rather than a source of release.  So I apologize upfront if there are spelling mistakes or if my sentence structures are not correct.  I created this blog to just be me and I am far from perfect.  I will begin to post and if it is not everyday....it is OK cause sometimes I just don't want to.  If I post 3 times a day...that is OK too.  I am going to be me in this post and I hope I do not offend anyone....do not take it personal.  Love you and I hope you stay with me on my journey.